Cannot Connect to Windows 7 SMB Shares from XP/2003
If you try to connect to a windows 7 share from XP/2003 and get a “System Error 58” you can use the following solution.
The problem is Windows 7 uses NTLMv2 and XP/2003 use LM & NTLM. To resolve this issue, do the following on the Windows 7 computer:
Run GPedit.msc
Expand Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Security Settings->Local Policies->Security Options
Open the properties for Network security: LAN Manager authentication level
Set the value to: Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session if negotiated
Run Services.msc
Restart the Server service
You can now map your drive from your XP/2003 box to your Windows 7 computer!
If you try to connect to a windows 7 share from XP/2003 and get a “System Error 58” you can use the following solution.
The problem is Windows 7 uses NTLMv2 and XP/2003 use LM & NTLM. To resolve this issue, do the following on the Windows 7 computer:
Run GPedit.msc
Expand Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Security Settings->Local Policies->Security Options
Open the properties for Network security: LAN Manager authentication level
Set the value to: Send LM & NTLM – use NTLMv2 session if negotiated
Run Services.msc
Restart the Server service
You can now map your drive from your XP/2003 box to your Windows 7 computer!